18-03-1988: the Holy Mass
Leeuwarden. I have just arrived and am standing in the parking lot in front of the FBTO building. I'd better write it down.
Just as the Holy Mass begins with a confession of guilt, we must also begin by recognizing that we are far from perfect and fall again and again into old habits that drive us away from God and God's word (read "deed intended by God"). Just as we pronounce the Kyrie in Holy Mass, so we ourselves will have to knock on the Lord's door for mercy for the first time. When we do that we also receive mercy and it becomes very easy to bring a convinced "Glory to God".
The great role that the ministry of the word has in the Holy Mass must also be given to the word (and the deed it entails) in our lives. The meaning of reading and contemplating biblical texts, which have been carefully selected over the years in the construction of the church year, is very great. Then taking those texts to heart and living by them is a necessary next step, which is very difficult. Only then can we, without reservation of any kind, pronounce the creed with complete conviction.
The role of the sacrifice is clear. We will have to sacrifice our "SELF" (read: selfishly oriented behavior) completely for what is asked of us in a pure form of selfless love for our fellow human beings, and therefore for God.
Concecracy and communion are still too difficult for me. To me, they belong to a level of perception which I know only from reading the works of Thomas a Kempis and St. John of the Cross. I'm not far enough along the road yet to say anything substantial about this.