This website is a hobby of a retired IT man. I delved into web technology the first year after my retirement, because I had no experience with it at all. This site is the result of that study.
It took a while, but in the end the content of this site is to my liking.
After a thorough upgrade of the appearance of the site, it is as good as finished:
I have completed the series of articles for the topic: 'decision making about IT'. If you are interested in this, I recommend that you read the articles more or less in the order of the tables so that you get the overall picture.
The content is complete for the topics: 'considering' and 'music'. There will probably be nothing more to this.
For the subject: 'hamradio' the content is complete. There is nothing more to this because I stopped the hobby after 7 years.
For the subject: 'imaging' I will mainly publish new works in the various galleries. I am currently having an active period as a painter again. I will only add to the other topics if there is something to report.
Pick up what you like. Everything is free and just an attempt to get you into action.
I've once jokingly said, "it doesn't matter much how many languages you speak fluently if you have nothing to say." That certainly applies to me too. I can publish whatever I want, but you decide whether what I publish matters or not. Your opinion matters. Please let us know using the contact form.
Thank you for your interest.
All pictures in the slideshow are a selection of the panorama pictures I took since 2000. Click on the first image to start the slideshow.
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